About me

Hi everyone!

Well who am I you might be wondering?

My name is Erika and I live here in beautiful Portland, OR with my husband and our two cats! I have a B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Portland State University and a background in all different sorts of arts and crafty things, like crochet!

I’ve had a “regular” job working from home pretty much ever since COVID hit and I needed some things to do to relax. Crochet definitely hit the mark ever since I was introduced to some great books and some help from my aunt. Once I learned about Amigurumi dolls, I was “hooked” if you will. Lol

I LOVE dolls – well, most dolls. There are some creepy ones out there but, that’s another story. 😐 I’ve always been fascinated by BarbiesTM (and Kens of course), and I really love how BarbieTM the company has expanded their brand to be more inclusive of all kinds of fun people to play with!

So dolls and crochet are pretty cool but, what else do you like?

I enjoy lots of music and specifically vinyl records! I know, how cliche right? But I worked in a record store back when I was 18 in the mid-2000’s and I was hooked (again) ever since. I also grew up in the late ‘80s-‘90s so it wasn’t quite as “vintage” at the time.

Anyway, check out my collection for sale on my site here. You never know what I’ll have, new and old!